Cullen Silver Ring

HK$ 207.60

The bold leaf pattern of the Karen silver ring gives it a strong presence, which is completely different from precise machining. Each ring is handcrafted one by one, giving each one a different look. The warmth and individuality of this ring is a unique charm of Karen silver. This one has a bold leaf pattern design that wraps around the finger. The strong stamp work and the wide shape with a sense of massiveness give it a finish with a sense of presence. The amulet Karen Silver has various shapes and engravings with meanings embedded in the engraving. It is designed with motifs of plants, animals, fish, or household tools around us. It is also used as a talisman to protect against evil spirits and as a watchful eye to guard against calamities. It is an open-ring design that can be used by both men and women, and the size can be easily adjusted. The design can be worn by any gender, and is recommended as a pair ring or a gift.
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The bold leaf pattern of the Karen silver ring gives it a strong presence, which is completely different from precise machining. Each ring is handcrafted one by one, giving each one a different look. The warmth and individuality of this ring is a unique charm of Karen silver. This one has a bold leaf pattern design that wraps around the finger. The strong stamp work and the wide shape with a sense of massiveness give it a finish with a sense of presence. The amulet Karen Silver has various shapes and engravings with meanings embedded in the engraving. It is designed with motifs of plants, animals, fish, or household tools around us. It is also used as a talisman to protect against evil spirits and as a watchful eye to guard against calamities. It is an open-ring design that can be used by both men and women, and the size can be easily adjusted. The design can be worn by any gender, and is recommended as a pair ring or a gift.