Pocket Henley Neck T-Shirt

NT$ 1,617

■"FELCO" and "HEALTH KNIT" Henry Neck Tee
FELCO born in New York, U.S.A. collaborated with HEALTH KNIT, a long-established cut and sewn manufacturer in the U.S.A., to produce this T-shirt.

The T-shirts are made of medium-weight US cotton and sewn with classic flat seams. Comfortable to wear, durable, and with a universal design that will be loved for years to come.
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■"FELCO" and "HEALTH KNIT" Henry Neck Tee
FELCO born in New York, U.S.A. collaborated with HEALTH KNIT, a long-established cut and sewn manufacturer in the U.S.A., to produce this T-shirt.

The T-shirts are made of medium-weight US cotton and sewn with classic flat seams. Comfortable to wear, durable, and with a universal design that will be loved for years to come.