Thermal Layered Tank Top

HK$ 201.80

The WALLA WALLA SPORT tank top is made from a soft and comfortable thermal fabric with a dry texture. This tank top is made from a soft and comfortable thermal fabric with a dry texture and a stretchy waffle feel. It can be worn on its own or as an inner layer to a shirt or t-shirt. The thermal fabric is durable and absorbs sweat well, so you can wear it comfortably in the summer without feeling sticky.
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The WALLA WALLA SPORT tank top is made from a soft and comfortable thermal fabric with a dry texture. This tank top is made from a soft and comfortable thermal fabric with a dry texture and a stretchy waffle feel. It can be worn on its own or as an inner layer to a shirt or t-shirt. The thermal fabric is durable and absorbs sweat well, so you can wear it comfortably in the summer without feeling sticky.