Pique Cotton Cardigan

HK$ 571.00

This cardigan is made of cotton piqué, a fabric that is light and smooth even in spring and summer. This cardigan is made of cotton piqué and has a special dry texture that makes it comfortable to wear even in warm weather. The silhouette of this cardigan is perfect for both on and off-duty use. Made in France. France has many famous cut and sew brands such as ORCIVAL and PETIT BATEAU, and there are many high quality sewing factories in France. ROCOCO's cut-and-sew items are produced with such background. The sewing here is done carefully at the factory which has undertaken famous brands such as QUOTIDIEN.
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This cardigan is made of cotton piqué, a fabric that is light and smooth even in spring and summer. This cardigan is made of cotton piqué and has a special dry texture that makes it comfortable to wear even in warm weather. The silhouette of this cardigan is perfect for both on and off-duty use. Made in France. France has many famous cut and sew brands such as ORCIVAL and PETIT BATEAU, and there are many high quality sewing factories in France. ROCOCO's cut-and-sew items are produced with such background. The sewing here is done carefully at the factory which has undertaken famous brands such as QUOTIDIEN.