Cullen Silver Ring

HK$ 207.60

A powerful design with a strong sense of presence is the charm of Karen silver rings, which is completely different from precise machining. They are made one by one by hand, so each one has a different look. The warmth and individuality of the ring is a unique charm of Karen silver. This one has an impressive design with a powerful pattern of mountains and the sun. The beautiful stamp work looks like a work of art and has a strong presence. Amulet Karen Silver has a variety of shapes and engravings, and is designed with motifs of plants, animals, fish, and household tools. It is also used as a talisman to protect against evil spirits and as a watchful eye to guard against calamities. It is an open-ring design that can be used by both men and women, and the size can be easily adjusted. The design can be worn by both genders, and is recommended as a pair ring or a gift.
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A powerful design with a strong sense of presence is the charm of Karen silver rings, which is completely different from precise machining. They are made one by one by hand, so each one has a different look. The warmth and individuality of the ring is a unique charm of Karen silver. This one has an impressive design with a powerful pattern of mountains and the sun. The beautiful stamp work looks like a work of art and has a strong presence. Amulet Karen Silver has a variety of shapes and engravings, and is designed with motifs of plants, animals, fish, and household tools. It is also used as a talisman to protect against evil spirits and as a watchful eye to guard against calamities. It is an open-ring design that can be used by both men and women, and the size can be easily adjusted. The design can be worn by both genders, and is recommended as a pair ring or a gift.