Plain Heavy Jersey Round Collar Polo Shirt

This polo shirt is made by Glacon, a French brand that produces polo shirts for many famous fashion houses. The polo shirt is a long time favorite among import and clothing lovers. The polo shirts are a must-have for the summer season. This time, ROCOCO has made a special order for a piece using basque fabric instead of the standard deerskin. This is a perfect item for the coming season, with water absorbency and breathability that will keep you feeling dry and comfortable.
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This polo shirt is made by Glacon, a French brand that produces polo shirts for many famous fashion houses. The polo shirt is a long time favorite among import and clothing lovers. The polo shirts are a must-have for the summer season. This time, ROCOCO has made a special order for a piece using basque fabric instead of the standard deerskin. This is a perfect item for the coming season, with water absorbency and breathability that will keep you feeling dry and comfortable.