Extra fine silver ring, high polish sander

HK$ 109.50

This slim ring is made of 925 silver and adds a cool charm to your fingertips. The sharp right angles that appear on the smooth curves of the body are designed to bring out a cool appeal. This is a great way to add a touch of glamour to your look. The brand "Chalisa T." is mainly designed by a jewelry accessory designer from Chiang Mai, Thailand. Chalisa T. Chalisa T." is a brand of jewelry accessories designed by a designer from Chiang Mai, Thailand, who uses vintage accessory design sources to create modern designs. The series of rings created with a focus on slim and sleek designs can be enjoyed simply by itself, but they are also perfect for layering with other rings, which is also a trend. You can combine them in various ways according to your style and mood, and enjoy your own unique style.
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This slim ring is made of 925 silver and adds a cool charm to your fingertips. The sharp right angles that appear on the smooth curves of the body are designed to bring out a cool appeal. This is a great way to add a touch of glamour to your look. The brand "Chalisa T." is mainly designed by a jewelry accessory designer from Chiang Mai, Thailand. Chalisa T. Chalisa T." is a brand of jewelry accessories designed by a designer from Chiang Mai, Thailand, who uses vintage accessory design sources to create modern designs. The series of rings created with a focus on slim and sleek designs can be enjoyed simply by itself, but they are also perfect for layering with other rings, which is also a trend. You can combine them in various ways according to your style and mood, and enjoy your own unique style.