Double strand bracelet with silver waxed cord

HK$ 207.60

This bracelet is made of waxed cord and Karen silver and has a simple yet strong presence. It will casually decorate your wrist. The bracelet is water resistant, so you can enjoy summer activities with it on! As a coordinating accent, it is sure to enhance your summer style. It can be worn in layers depending on your mood, purpose, or location. It goes well with cords and other bead accessories. Available in two sizes for unisex wear, and in seven colors, it makes a perfect pair accessory or gift.
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This bracelet is made of waxed cord and Karen silver and has a simple yet strong presence. It will casually decorate your wrist. The bracelet is water resistant, so you can enjoy summer activities with it on! As a coordinating accent, it is sure to enhance your summer style. It can be worn in layers depending on your mood, purpose, or location. It goes well with cords and other bead accessories. Available in two sizes for unisex wear, and in seven colors, it makes a perfect pair accessory or gift.