15078 Heavy Stitching Moc Toe Leather Shoes

NT$ 14,826

These moc-toe shoes are made of rugged U-tip chrome-excel leather that tickles the fancy of men. The heavy stitched look quietly supports the feet of tough men. While the leather is thick and does not easily lose its shape, it feels good on the feet, making it a pair that can be used for a long time. WHEELROBE" is a shoe brand that was born in Japan in 2015 with traditional American details made in Japan. It reconstructs the universal design and traditional details of "good old America" with "Made in Japan".
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These moc-toe shoes are made of rugged U-tip chrome-excel leather that tickles the fancy of men. The heavy stitched look quietly supports the feet of tough men. While the leather is thick and does not easily lose its shape, it feels good on the feet, making it a pair that can be used for a long time. WHEELROBE" is a shoe brand that was born in Japan in 2015 with traditional American details made in Japan. It reconstructs the universal design and traditional details of "good old America" with "Made in Japan".