Boa Wool Basic Slippers

NT$ 1,132

These room slippers are made of 100% wool, which has excellent moisture absorption properties and protects your feet from the winter cold without getting stuffy. The long pile of wool is sparingly spread from toe to heel. You can feel the warmth as soon as you put them on. These comfortable room slippers are indispensable for relaxing time at home. The Polish factory brand "COLDBREAKER" produces a wide range of high quality wool products from clothing to room shoes. "The products are made by artisans who are passionate about their craft and pay close attention to details with the belief that they want to deliver the best that natural fibers have to offer. Normally, many of the materials used for boas are raised polyester or acrylic, but this one uses 100% wool, and the warmth that only natural fibers can provide is real. The fuzzy and voluminous texture gives the impression of being warm and cute, and is an item that tickles women's hearts. The special cutting technique minimizes the prickly feel unique to wool, and makes it soft and comfortable to wear barefoot. They are resilient and gently wrap around your feet.
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These room slippers are made of 100% wool, which has excellent moisture absorption properties and protects your feet from the winter cold without getting stuffy. The long pile of wool is sparingly spread from toe to heel. You can feel the warmth as soon as you put them on. These comfortable room slippers are indispensable for relaxing time at home. The Polish factory brand "COLDBREAKER" produces a wide range of high quality wool products from clothing to room shoes. "The products are made by artisans who are passionate about their craft and pay close attention to details with the belief that they want to deliver the best that natural fibers have to offer. Normally, many of the materials used for boas are raised polyester or acrylic, but this one uses 100% wool, and the warmth that only natural fibers can provide is real. The fuzzy and voluminous texture gives the impression of being warm and cute, and is an item that tickles women's hearts. The special cutting technique minimizes the prickly feel unique to wool, and makes it soft and comfortable to wear barefoot. They are resilient and gently wrap around your feet.