Comfort Painter Pants

NT$ 4,313

The Barrel Painter Wide Pants are based on the Barrel Painter Wide Pants, which are a fusion of painters and five-pocket pants with the atmosphere of old-fashioned clothing. These pants are slightly slimmer while maintaining the same three-dimensional silhouette. With a deep crotch and room around the hips, they feature a three-dimensional silhouette that gives the impression of wearing overalls. The slightly wide fit is not too wide, but the hem is rolled up to give a sleeker look. The fabric and details have a vintage feel, but the innovative pattern work gives the pants a new, modern look.
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The Barrel Painter Wide Pants are based on the Barrel Painter Wide Pants, which are a fusion of painters and five-pocket pants with the atmosphere of old-fashioned clothing. These pants are slightly slimmer while maintaining the same three-dimensional silhouette. With a deep crotch and room around the hips, they feature a three-dimensional silhouette that gives the impression of wearing overalls. The slightly wide fit is not too wide, but the hem is rolled up to give a sleeker look. The fabric and details have a vintage feel, but the innovative pattern work gives the pants a new, modern look.