Staggered Check Merino Wool Snood


GILBERT WILSON was born in the late 1800s in the Hawick region of Scotland, a town where traditional, long-established knitwear manufacturers are concentrated. From such a historic factory brand, we introduce a glen-check patterned nude made of high quality merino wool. Merino wool, which provides soft and comfortable warmth, is used in a dignified staggered pattern. All of them are made by hand by artisans and have a luxurious finish that only handmade can provide. This is a special order from ROCOCO that is not in the regular collection. The color scheme has been carefully selected and the size has been slightly shortened to fit Japanese people. Please enjoy your winter coordination with these elegant and warm snoods that you can only get here. p15_g
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GILBERT WILSON was born in the late 1800s in the Hawick region of Scotland, a town where traditional, long-established knitwear manufacturers are concentrated. From such a historic factory brand, we introduce a glen-check patterned nude made of high quality merino wool. Merino wool, which provides soft and comfortable warmth, is used in a dignified staggered pattern. All of them are made by hand by artisans and have a luxurious finish that only handmade can provide. This is a special order from ROCOCO that is not in the regular collection. The color scheme has been carefully selected and the size has been slightly shortened to fit Japanese people. Please enjoy your winter coordination with these elegant and warm snoods that you can only get here. p15_g