Hematite 2mm Cut Beads 2 Way Accessory Necklace/Bracelet

Silvery black hematite is a very cool 2-way accessory with a mirror finish. Hematite was once called the "black diamond" because of its stunning brilliance. The silver is handcrafted by a small group of mountain tribes in Myanmar and northern Thailand, and is of high purity. The charm and body are made of warm Karen silver, which brings out the charm of Lapis Lazuli to the fullest. Water-resistant notching cordNotching cord is made of polyester yarn with a silky sheen. Even a single thin cord is very strong, making it an ideal material for accessories. It is water resistant, dries quickly even when wet, and does not fade or shift color due to sweat or rain.
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Silvery black hematite is a very cool 2-way accessory with a mirror finish. Hematite was once called the "black diamond" because of its stunning brilliance. The silver is handcrafted by a small group of mountain tribes in Myanmar and northern Thailand, and is of high purity. The charm and body are made of warm Karen silver, which brings out the charm of Lapis Lazuli to the fullest. Water-resistant notching cordNotching cord is made of polyester yarn with a silky sheen. Even a single thin cord is very strong, making it an ideal material for accessories. It is water resistant, dries quickly even when wet, and does not fade or shift color due to sweat or rain.